A European-inspired home with a spacious basement is Hughes-Edwards latest custom home project in pretty Arrington, Tennessee of scenic Williamson County. H-E President Bryan Edwards shares a few quick tips on building a home with a basement.
“A basement increases a home’s value, adds living space and can be a great safety option during storm season,” Edwards said. “Adding a basement to an existing home is possible, but, doing so during original construction is always the better plan.”
Finishing the basement during construction can yield you the best price because Edwards said the cost is part of the labor time and resources used in the overall project. Also, with water as a big concern, drainage can be more comprehensively addressed saving you problems and money in the long run.
Here are a few quick tips from Edwards on the overall basement project:
Drainage plans are essential so be sure you address this with your builder.
Building codes require adequate draining and lots graded in way to route drainage away from foundation walls. The number one way to prevent wet basements and possible foundation cracks is proper drainage of surface water.
Ultimately finishing your basement at the time construction gives you a better return on your home-building investment.