Temperatures are dipping, and that means it’s time to get the kindling ready. Before you strike a match, though, make sure you’re up on the latest fire prevention and safety recommendations.
The Facts on Fireplaces
More than 33 percent of Americans use fireplaces, wood stoves and other fuel-fired appliances, according to the U.S. Fire Administration. Many Hughes-Edwards custom built homes are designed to bring families together, provide a cozy place to relax on chilly Tennessee days, and add dignity and style to any décor.
The scary part? As many as 36 percent of residential home fires are a result of heating elements such as fireplaces, and most of those are completely preventable.
Home is Where the Hearth Is
Since fireplaces are common family gathering places, it’s easy for toys, papers and other flammable items to be left nearby. Make sure kids know that the hearth isn’t a play area, even when the fireplace isn’t being used—and that you’re constantly on the lookout for stray items that could catch fire if an ember made it past your grate or glass doors.
Fire Extinguishers: A Must-Have for Every Home
The USFA recommends that every home has a fire extinguisher available. Having one on-hand can stop a small fire before it burns out of control. You can take your family’s fire extinguisher to your local fire department to make sure it’s in working order. You want peace-of-mind to make sure you know how to use it in an emergency.
Maintenance is the Key to Prevention
Most experts suggest having your chimney inspected and cleaned by a professional at least once a year. Buildup can prevent proper ventilation. Worse, it can fall back into the fireplace and create a hazard when it hits or actually catch fire while it’s still in the chimney.
Extra Fireplace Safety Tips
While these tips will help keep your family safe while you’re enjoying a crackling fire, don’t overlook other basic fireplace safety:
- Keep firewood at least 30 feet away from your home
- Clean leaves, pine needles and other debris from your roof
- Cover your chimney with a spark-arresting screen
With all that in mind, it’s time to enjoy the cooler weather. Make a cup of hot chocolate, sit back and relax—you deserve it! If you’d like more information on building a custom home with Hughes-Edwards Builders please fill out the form below or give us a call at 615-824-6970. [gravityform id=”9″ name=”Contact Us”]